Parov Stelar @ Bucherer Wien
Gallery HAAS & GSCHWANDTNER presents in cooperation with
Bucherer the exhibition of
Parov Stelar
Duration: Friday 17.5 to Saturday 18.5.2024
Bucherer Vienna
Bucherer Salon , Graben 12
1010 Vienna
Under his pseudonym Parov Stelar, Marcus Füreder has been one of the most internationally successful Austrian artists and producers for years. From the studio to the recording studio to the dance floor in the form of art and beats, Parov Stelar unites these spheres into one big whole. In the current exhibition, the focus is on Parov Stelar's works on paper. On display are paintings, overpainted screen prints reminiscent of tour posters and LP covers and stills from the videos Candy Girl and Rust Devil.
Parov Stelar sees painting as an impulse reaction. In the digital design phase, he leaves a lot to chance. The first montages on the computer lead to the layout or design that he puts on paper. During the painting process, the artist describes, it happens again and again that a picture turns completely around. As soon as he looks at the picture, he knows that it is complete. For him, painting is the antithesis of music.